But, lo-and-behold! I have forgot something mucho important.
It is key to understand that if you do an internship in college, you will definitely have a leg up when it comes time to graduate. This is why:
- They help you decide if THIS career is right for you! I have done 3 internships because my first 2 made me realize that it wasn't what I wanted to do. This was extremely helpful.
- They prepare you for the real world and what a real job is like.
- It's AWESOME experience for you.
- It lengthens your resume! (See below for resume help!)
- Connections, connections, connections. The people you meet at your internship could possibly help propel you into the work field.
- It keeps you aware of what skills you may need to improve.
- You could gain full-time employment from an internship!
- It helps you to determine your "next step".
- Internships are often, but not always, required from universities.
- They help you understand what employers are looking for in a new hire.
Take it from Lindsey Pollak, author of the book "Getting From College to Career", who says "Internships are more important than ever." THEY ARE!
It is interesting, I often hear students and friends talk about internships, but that they do not have the time or desire to really get involved in an internship. Guess what? Internships have perks! Such as:
- You can receive school credit for signing up for an internship through your college/university.
- Sometimes, but not always, you get PAID. Yep, more moo-la for you, my dear internee.
- You meet friends! And EVERYONE loves friends, come on!
- You build your resume, gain experience, all the good things I listed above! (Helloooo, leg up?)
- Plus. You automatically gain millions of cool points. Who's the coolest thing since sliced bread? YOU ARE! You pass go AND collect $200!
Seriously. Take it from someone who has done 3, count 'em 3, internships. They are absolutely, 100% worth it and extremely awesome for your resume and your LIFE! YEAH!
So, if you're interested in being ahead of the game when you graduate college, definitely consider an internship. Strengthen your resume? Get school credit? Be uber awesome? Yep, internship. So get out there and be all the intern you can be!
Happy interning!
Love, Alice
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